Resident Evil 4 remake ARG

Capcom has released an ARG (Augmented Reality Game) as part of a tie in for Resident Evil 4.

In the original game, we are informed that Ashley has been Kidnaped. In this ARG, we actually track the events as they happen in real-time and try to discover what actually happened as a member of the US Secret Service.

This is actually pretty fun.

You can check out the website here:

As of this writing, the event is currently in day 2. I have posted a few images on the forum in order to not ruin the experience for anyone who has not been able to try this yet.

I have also been cataloguing all images in the Resident Evil 4 Gallery.

MASSIVE thanks to geth for sending this my way (as I had originally missed out on Day 01).

  • FORUM – RE4 remake thread
  • IMAGE – RE4 remake ARG gallery
  • ~ by hobbes_182 on 2023-03-07.