RE4HD Knife scene comparison

Albert has updated his site with a full body of images comparing his update to the original Leon vs Krauser knife fight.

Here are some bullet points from his update:

  • All specular bloom effects from the knives were missing in the PC port. Now they are all restored… and it looks really impressive in motion!
  • Krauser’s right arm bent in a weird way after the second dodge. It was an animation issue. I’ve been able to fix it by editing a few vertices weights. (This entire cutscene is divided into 14 mini-cutscenes, every one of them has its own 3D models, so, I edited Krauser’s body just for that moment of the scene, the rest of the time his arm is ok)
  • Krauser’s glove’s wrist part is missing in the wounded version of his body!! I’ve brought back the missing part of the gloves.
  • WEB – RE4HD Knives Out
  • ~ by hobbes_182 on 2020-08-24.